
Applied Software Engineering & AI Research Group (ASE)

ASE research topics include software engineering, requirements engineering, machine learning, recommender systems, knowledge representations for complex products and services, and related concepts supporting explainable AI (XAI). Example application domains are healthcare, public administration, intelligent production, and financial services.

Recent Papers …

  • T. Burgstaller, D. Garber, V.M. Le, A. Felfernig. Optimization Space Learning: A Lightweight, Noniterative Technique for Compiler Autotuning. In 28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2024), Luxembourg. 2024. to appear
  • A. Felfernig, M. Wundara, T.N.T. Tran, V.M. Le, S. Lubos, and S. Polat-Erdeniz. Sports Recommender Systems: Overview and Research Directions. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 2024. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [Springer]
  • S. Lubos, A. Felfernig, T.N.T. Tran, D. Garber, M.E. Mansi, S.P. Erdeniz, and V.M. Le. Leveraging LLMs for the Quality Assurance of Software Requirements. In 32nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering 2024, RE@Next! Track, (RE@Next! 2024), Reykjavik, Iceland. 2024. to appear
  • M. Uta, A. Felfernig, V.M. Le, T.N.T. Tran, D. Garber, S. Lubos, and T. Burgstaller. Knowledge-based Recommender Systems: Overview and Research Directions. Frontiers in Big Data, section Recommender Systems. 2024. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [frontiers]
  • V.M. Le, A. Felfernig, T.N.T. Tran, and M. Uta. InformedQX: Informed Conflict Detection for Over-Constrained Problems. In 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI’24, Vancouver, Canada. 2024. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [AAAI] [PDF]
  • S. Lubos, A. Felfernig, and Markus Tautschnig. An Overview of Video Recommender Systems: State-of-the-Art and Research Issues. Frontiers in Big Data, section Recommender Systems, vol. 6. 2023. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [frontiers] [PDF]
  • A. Felfernig, M. Wundara, T.N.T. Tran, S. Polat-Erdeniz, S. Lubos, M. El-Mansi, D. Garber, and V.M. Le. Recommender Systems for Sustainability: Overview and Research Issues. Frontiers in Big Data, section Recommender Systems. 2023. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [frontiers] [PDF]
  • T.N.T. Tran, A. Felfernig, V.M. Le. An Overview of Consensus Models for Group Decision-Making and Group Recommender Systems. Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. 2023. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [Springer]
  • S. Lubos, V.M. Le, A. Felfernig, T.N.T. Tran. Analysis Operations for Constraint-based Recommender Systems. In 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2023), Singapore. 2023. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [ACM]
  • S. Lubos, A. Felfernig, V.M. Le, T.N.T. Tran, D. Benavides, J.A. Zamudio, D. Garber. Analysis Operations On The Run: Feature Model Analysis in Constraint-based Recommender Systems. In 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2023), Tokyo, Japan. 2023. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [ACM]
  • T.N.T. Tran, A. Felfernig, V.M. Le, T.M.N. Chau, and T.G. Mai. User Needs for Explanations of Recommendations: In-depth Analyses of the Role of Item Domain and Personal Characteristics. In 31st ACM Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization. ACM UMAP 2023, Limassol, Cyprus. 2023. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [ACM]
  • V.M. Le, C.V. Silva, A. Felfernig, T.N.T. Tran, J. Galindo, D. Benavides. FastDiagP: An Algorithm for Parallelized Direct Diagnosis. In 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI’23, Washington, DC, USA. 2023. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [AAAI]
  • A Popescu, S Polat-Erdeniz, A Felfernig, M Uta, M Atas, VM Le, K Pilsl. An Overview of Machine Learning Techniques in Constraint Solving,  Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 58 (1), 91-118. 2022. Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg [Springer] [PDF]

Recent Best Papers …

  • Configuration Workshop 2024 Best Paper: Lothar Hotz, Christian Bähnisch, Sebastian Lubos, Alexander Felfernig, Albert Haag, and Johannes Twiefel. Exploiting Large Language Models for the Automated Generation  of Constraint Satisfaction Problems, 2024.
  • Web Intelligence 2019 Best Papers: R. Samer, M. Stettinger, and A. Felfernig. Towards Issue Recommendation for Open Source Communities, 2019.
  • Configuration Workshop 2018 Best Papers: M. Atas, T. Trang, R. Samer, D. Fucci, A. Felfernig and M. Stettinger. Liquid Democracy in Group-based Configuration, 2018. Ralph Samer, M. Atas, A. Felfernig, M. Stettinger, A. Falkner and G. Schenner. Group Decision Support for Requirements Management Processes, 2018.
  • SEKE 2017 Best Paper: A. Shehadeh, A. Felfernig, M. Jeran, M. Stettinger and S. Reiterer. Knowledge-based Learning Content Generation in the StudyBattles Environment, Pittsburgh, PN, 2017.
  • UMAP 2015 Best Papers: M. Stettinger, A. Felfernig, G. Leitner, and S. Reiterer. Counteracting Anchoring Effects in Group Decision Making, 2015.
  • Configuration Workshop 2016 (ConfWS’16) Runner-up best paper: A. Felfernig, M. Atas, T. Tran, and M. Stettinger. Towards Group-based Configuration, pp. 69-72, Toulouse, France, 2016.

Systems Developed by ASE …


CheckR supports personalized knowledge sharing & learning processes. On the basis of gamification and recommendation technologies, it helps to improve the quality of personal learning processes. Try it out here!


EventHelpr supports the management of ad hoc events (e.g., project meetings, travels, workshops, and repeated goup meetings). It also supports innovation and group decision making on the basis of various decision support techniques. Try it out here!