
June 2024: new accepted FFG Bridge project GenRE (“Generative AI for Requirements Engineering”)

June 2024: accepted ACM RE’2024 (RE@Next) full paper on “Leveraging LLMs for the Quality Assurance of Software Requirements” – to appear.

June 2024: accepted ACM SPLC’2024 full paper on “A Lightweight, Noniterative Technique for Compiler Autotuning” – to appear.

Feb 2024: full paper presentation given at AAAI 2024 – accepted paper on “InformedQX: Informed Conflict Detection for Over-Constrained Problems” – see

Feb 2023: two presentations given at AAAI 2023 (accepted full paper and Bridge programme presentation on integrating Constraint Solving and Machine Learning).

Jan 2023: Newsletter on integrating Constraint Solving and Machine Learning (Association for Logic Programming – ALP).

Dec 2022: our paper on “parallelized direct diagnosis” has been accepted as full paper for presentation at AAAI 2023.

Dec 2022: an article on intelligent technologies supporting online exams in our KnowledgeCheckR system just appeared in the Austrian Trend magazine.

Dec 2021: new FFG Bridge project OpenSpace (“AI Techniques for Testing Highly-Variant Software”)

Oct 2021: invited talk at the 27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – 5th Workshop on the Progress Towards the Holy Grail (PTHG-21) (Organizer: Eugene Freuder). Talk: “An Overview of Machine Learning Techniques in Constraint Solving” (Speaker: Alexander Felfernig)

Sep 2021: new FFG project StreamDiver (“Recommender Systems and Machine Learning for Video Synthesis and Recommendation”)

Sep 2021: the 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC’22) will be organized by the Applied Software Engineering & AI (ASE) research group. The conference will take place in Graz, Austria, Sep. 12-16, 2022.

Sep 2021: the 24th International Workshop on Configuration will be organized by the Applied Software Engineering & AI (ASE) research group. The workshop will be co-located with the ACM SPLC’22 conference and will take place in Graz, Austria, Sep. 12-13, 2022.

Mar 2021: the ACM Recommender Systems 2021 Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems is co-organized by our research group.

Dec 2020: the International Workshop on Configuration 2021 takes place at Siemens Vienna in Sep. 2021 and is co-organized by the our research group.

Oct 2019: an article on the application of intelligent learning technologies in the medical domain based on our KnowledgeCheckR system just appeared in the Austrian Trend magazine.

Oct 2019Runner-Up For The Best Student Paper @ IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence for Towards Issue Recommendation for Open Source Communities by R. Samer, A. Felfernig, and M. Stettinger

Oct 2019Runner-Up For The Best Student Paper @ IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence for Towards Issue Recommendation for Open Source Communities by R. Samer, A. Felfernig, and M. Stettinger

June, 2019: a full paper on Social Choice-based Explanations in Group Recommender Systems appeared in the Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP’2019) – an online version can be found here

June, 2019: a full paper on User Interfaces for Counteracting Decision Manipulation in Group Recommender Systems, published as a Lake Breaking Result in the 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP’2019) – an online version can be found here

Oct 2018: an overview article on “Recommender Systems in the Internet of Things (IoT)” appears in the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.

Sept 2018: Best Paper @ 20th International Workshop on Configuration for Liquid Democracy in Group-based Configuration by M. Atas, T.N. Tran, R. Samer, A. Felfernig, M. Stettinger, and D. Fucci

Sept 2018: SIEMENS Student Best Paper @ 20th International Workshop on Configuration for Group Decision Support for Requirements Management Processes by R. Samer, M. Atas, A. Felfernig, M. Stettinger, A. Falkner, and G. Schenner

April 2018: new Springer book on “Group Recommender Systems” – an online version can be found here.

March 2018: an overview paper on recommender systems in the Internet of Things appears in the JaXEnter journal – an online version can be found here.

Dec 2017: the International Workshop on Configuration 2018 takes place at the Graz University of Technology and will be organized by the our research group.

Dec 2017: the  ASE best paper award 2017 goes to Thi Ngoc Trang Tran for her Springer JIIS paper on “An Overview of Recommender Systems in the Healthy Food Domain”.

Nov 2017: honorable mention – ASE best presentations 2017 awards go to Müslüm Atas and Stefan Sgouridis.

Jul 2017: SEKE’17 Best Paper Award (paper on the TU Graz E-Learning environment StudyBattles).

Jan 2017: open PostDoc and PhD positions are available in Horizon 2020 projects (EU-funded) in the areas of recommender systems, mobile systems, and requirements engineering. If you are interested in cooperating with international researchers in a highly innovative research field, please contact:

Jan 2017: New Horizon 2020 Project OpenReq (“Intelligent Recommender and Decision Technologies for Community-Driven Requirements Engineering”).

Nov 2016: App hilft bei Integration (article on e-learning apps for refugees in Austrian trend. magazine).

Sep 2016: StudyBattles:Help App available for refugees in Austria and beyond (AppStore and PlayStore).

Juli 2016: first version of Choicla Group Decision App available in AppStore and PlayStore.

March 2016: Intelligenter Entscheiden Lernen (article on decision making issues published in Austrian trend. magazine).

Feb 2016: 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization track on “user modeling for recommender systems” co-organized by Applied Software Engineering research group.

Feb 2016: International Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems co-organized by Applied Software Engineering research group.

Jan 2016: New Horizon 2020 Project AGILE (“An Adaptive & Modular Gateway for the IoT”).

Oct 2015: New FFG Bridge Project 2015 We-Want (“Enabling Technologies for Group-based Configuration”).

Sep 2014: Workshop on Configuration 2014 co-organized by Applied Software Engineering research group.

Apr 2014: Houska Award 2014 Nominee in cooperation with the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.